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W/C 1st February 2016

W/ C Monday 1st February 2016


This week our story stimulus is 'Room on the Broom'.

The children have already listened to the story during our "pupil voice" session and they have planned lots of our learning challenges for this week.


Language & Literacy

The children will continue with their guided reading and phonic sessions and will have their one-to-one read with an adult. In our enhanced provision, the children decided that they wanted to design new brooms and will be encouraged to write about their designs and to write a list of all the items the witch lost while travelling on her broom. 



Mathematical Development

In our maths session we will continue to practise our counting skills and will introduce subtraction. Our focussed activity will be 'Double Trouble' spells! Children will be challenging their friends to double amounts using a magic wand and a cauldron! 



Physical Development

Room on the Broom is tale of a witch who keeps losing things whilst on her broomstick so the children will be challenged to find all the items as part of their focussed activity. Children will be encouraged to run in straight lines and around obstacles whilst crouching down and reaching for different objects that belong to the witch. The children will also be challenged to find items whilst manoeuvring the bikes and tricycles around different obstacles. 
