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W/C Monday 23rd October 2017



W/C Monday 23rd October 2017


We will continue to look forward to getting to know all of the children over the next few weeks while completing our Baseline Assessments. 


During our Baseline Assessments the children will be observed within the indoor and outdoor classroom across four areas of the curriculum: 

-Personal and Social Development

-Language, Literacy & Communication

-Mathematical Development 

-Physical Development 


Our focus story this week is Room on the Broom. There will be lots of experiences and activites on offer to the children based around the story within the Nursery classroom. 



After listening to the story, the children will have the opportunity to role play and act out the story, retell the story using story stones,  create their own potions and recipes with cauldrons and explore and find spiders in the gloop & slime.

In our cooking sessions the children will follow a simple recipe to make broomstick bread and in our PE sessions the children will transform in to mini witches on the bikes. There will also be opportunities throughout the week for the children to use the Clevertouch board to draw pictures & complete puzzles linked to the story. 

We will also be finishing off our Maths baseline assessments where the children will be observed copying, repeating and creating patterns. 



